This is a magazine poster advertisement for The Horrors album Skying. The band has used the main album cover for the image featured in the advertisement which immediatley enables the audience to acknowledge what the poster is about. The purpose of the poster is to advertise the band's new band and persuade the audience to purchase the CD. To reinforce this, the poster has a list of reliable and well known newspapers and magazines providing the star rating each company gave. All of the ratings are four star ratings which emphasises the success of the album and helps persuade the audience to feel that they would enjoy the album and benefit from buying it. The font is the same throughout the poster which is cohesive as this creates a theme that is matched to the band's theme also. Although the text is very plain as it is a simple font, the colour choice of white helps the text to make an impact within the advertisement as it stands out.
This is a magazine poster for the rock band Kings Of Leon which advertises one of their albums. The main image is the same image which is used for the featured album which instanlty makes the poster recognisable. The use of main image is highly recognisable due to its unique use of editing, the photograph is split into four equal parts which has different parts of all four band member's faces merged together to create one. However, to increase the unique ideology, an eagle's face has been embedded in the photograph also to create a montage of the eagle and the band members. The poster uses the same font for each parts of the text which
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Friday, 13 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Test Shots - Hand Held Technique
In preparation for the creation of my music video I felt that
practising the hand held camera technique was necessary as if it is not carried
out correctly then it will look very bad. For this reason, I arranged for my
friend who will be playing the protagonist in my video to come round to my
house so that I could practise at filming certain shots used in my video. Some
shots worked much better than others such as the tracing shots whereas the high
angle shot looked very clumsy when it zoomed in. I added songs to the video
clips that are by Arctic Monkeys who I am using for my actual music video; this
is to get a better idea of what effect the shots have.
- Upwards Pan Shot -
This looks slightly wobbly and I don't think that using the hand held camera for this shot would complement my video in any way. I think to do this shot it would be steadier if I used a video camera attached to a tripod to ensure there is more balance during the filming of the shot.
High Angle and Zoom Shot -
In my storyboard I planned to use this high angle shot in this particular location, I think that this works well as the high angle implies she is vulnerable which follows the narrative however it would look better if it was filmed further away. However, when I was filming I thought it might look interesting to encorporate a zoom into the shot, unfortunately this did not work as it was difficult to maintain a steady hand as I was filming whilst walking down some stairs. From this I have decided that I won't change the original shot desicion.
Tracking Forwards -
There are many tracking shots that I have planned to film in my video and I felt that the hand held technique could add a portrayal of confusion of my protagonist. I found that I had some slight height problems as my friend it taller than I am which caused some difficulty, in future I will use the tripod so that the shot is more steady and I am not cutting out any of the actor. I found the speed also quite hard to maintain and need to ensure that I don't get too close to the actor.
Tracking Backwards -
I think that this was the most successful shot. Apart from the camera tilting downwards when I stepped backwards the shot maintained a medium shot and I followed the same pace as the actor.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
- Group of teenagers talking, long shot, zoom towards the group
- Shot of the teenagers shoes, close up, still shot
- Teenagers talking and laughing with eachother, close up, still shot
- Girl and boy stood against wall laughing -appearing to be a couple, long shot, pan across
- Girl pulling on some fish net tights, medium close up, tracking upwards following her hand
- Girl sat on a messy bed with her back to the camera, medium shot, still shot
- Girl lookign distressed running her hands through her haid, medium shot, still shot
- Girl walking through a park, long shot, tracking of the girl walking away from the camera
- Girl sat up against a tree in the park, high angle shot whilst the girl looks upwards
- Girl drinking a cocktail, extreme close up of the girls mouth whilst she takes a sip
- Girl sat at a bar or table looking disatissfyed with her drink, medium still shot
- Girl and boy holding hands whilst walking through park, tracking long shot
- Girl is stood in park remenicing as her back is towards the camera, upwards pan of the girl from her shoes to her head, close up shot
- Girl stood in middle of a path looking sad, beggining with a medium shot and zoom outwards
- Girl walks up to a bench in the park and sits down, pan of the girl walking towards the bench, still long shot as she sits down
- Two girls in a busy street laughing together, medium shot, still shot
- Two boys stood against a wall, one of which is smoking, medium shot, still shot
- Both girls walk up to the boys who all start a conversation, long shot, pan of the girls walking towards the boys
- Boy and girl talking to each other smiling, close up, still shot of their faces
- Girl walking down an empty street, girl looks over her shoulder towards camera, tracking medium shot
- Boy and girl messing around, boy playfully pushes girl, tracking backwards from the couple, medium shot
- Girl sat up on bed, falls back onto it, medium still shot
- Girl closes her eyes as she is lyring on a bed, slow pan is used moving toward girl's face, medium shot
- Girl walking through a park, shot begins with her opening her eyes to relate to the previous shot, tracking backwards, medium close up
- Girl walking through a park, long shot, upwards tilt going up to the sky
- Girl is now running through the park, slow tracking from behind
- Girl is breathing heavily from the running and stress, medium close up shot
- Girl runs her hands through her haid, a medium shot from the side, still shot
- Girl and boy sat against a wall, long shot, still shot
- Boy handing over a cigarette to the girl, close up, hand held camera effect
- The couple are smiling at each other, medium close up, hand held camera effect
- Shot of an empty park, girl suddenly walks onto screen, long still shot
- Girl looks over her shoulder, medium close up
- Girl and boy are cuddled up together, her head on his shoulders, tracking backwards
- Girl walks onwards in the park, still medium shot
- Girl is walking down a street and past houses, long still shot
- Girl is walking up a steep path, high angle, still shot
- Shot of an empty road, when girl appears the camera pans across
- Two couples holding hand walk past camera, still shot, medium close up
- Girl is looking outside a window in her house, still shot, high angle
- The couple are holding hands and gazing at each other, long shot
- Girl is sat on her bed with her head hung down, medium close up
- Girl is seen mouthing "I love you", close up on mouth
- Girl is walking down a street at a fast pace, tracking, over the shoulder shot
- Couple are walking together and the girl kisses the boy on the cheek, medium shot
- Shot of a house, after some time girl appears on screen as she walks on screen quickly and walks into the house and shuts the door, long still shot
Ancillary Texts: Album Covers

This is the album 'Rumours' by Fleetwood Mac. This album cover is also simple yet effective; this album cover features two members of the band which will draw the attention of present fans of the band as they will recognise them. To also appeal to fans, the album cover has the name of the band printed at the top in a fancy text. Beneath the band name is the title of the album using the same text which reinforces the genre convention of the album which creates cohesion of the appearance of the album. The font used for the text is linked to the genre conventions of the music; Fleetwood Mac are a rock band who also come under the genre of blues and rock blues. Due to this, the font is expected to be a very subtle, fancy text and not something really bold and harsh. Furthermore, in terms of mise-en-scene the costume of the band members also appears to be fancy and expensive. The woman is wearing a long silky dress with a chiffon type shawl which are known to be luxurious types of clothing yet she is also wearing ballet shoes which fits in well with the conventions of music as music and dance is strongly connected. The man is wearing a white shirt with a waistcoat which appears to be formal to match the woman's outfit. Next, the image is in black and white which gives the photograph a vintage look whilst foregrounding the image against the plain, pale backround.

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