- Sonic Youth - Goo
- Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks
They each use a cartoon style image which creates a unique appearance and instantly catches the audience's eye. This is because it breaks the formal convention as usually a photograph is used rather than a drawing which is how the front cover appears. Lots of drawings are used for indie rock album covers as this adds to the unique style and fits in with how indie genre likes to appeal artistically and look aesthetically pleasing.
Although I thought it would look very creative to recreate this style, I didn't intend on actually trying it as I didn't feel that I would be able to create a drawing or painting which I could use for the front cover. It seemed that the best option would be to opt for using photographs as I already have experience using Photoshop. However, whilst I was practising different effects using the photos I took, I found an interesting effect called Threshold which created a similar effect to the black and white, Sonic Youth - Goo album whilst maintaining a cartoon-like style seen by the Peter, Bjorn and John - Young Folks single cover.
Although I thought it would look very creative to recreate this style, I didn't intend on actually trying it as I didn't feel that I would be able to create a drawing or painting which I could use for the front cover. It seemed that the best option would be to opt for using photographs as I already have experience using Photoshop. However, whilst I was practising different effects using the photos I took, I found an interesting effect called Threshold which created a similar effect to the black and white, Sonic Youth - Goo album whilst maintaining a cartoon-like style seen by the Peter, Bjorn and John - Young Folks single cover.